Merc’s Asylum: 1

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It was the day that Mercury graduated from inmate to caretaker of the asylum.  The craziest of the crazy were sent to space and left alone there to rot.

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The asylum was haunted by some of the wealthiest wackos in Sunset Valley.

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The asylum boasts a bedroom that sleeps 5, living room with tv and seating for 6.  A bathroom, a kitchen, and an area of skilling.

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Everywhere you went, a crazy was hanging around.  Mercury hated them all and just let them roam free while he painted.

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Some played pool, but mostly they just watched whoever was on the guitar.

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They were all supernatural, so of course bad things will happen…eventually.

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One tried to blow a kiss at another and it was rejected.

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Two others decided to chat.

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Still another finds Mercury attractive.

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Then again, a kiss was blown and rejected, but this time it was the opposite sims in the previous situation.

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Mercury just painted and painted.

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Pillow fights were had.

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Another one is so bad, she intimidates everyone and they pee themselves in fright.

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Almost everyone has had a chance on the guitar by now.

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One chats with another, accusing her of something bad, before going bipolar and intimidates her.

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The lady in black is the star of this show.  The male she was trading rejected kisses with is now accusing her of being a chupacabra, when nothing could be further from the truth.

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Offended and pissed off, she intimidates him too.

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Hunger sets in and Mercury watches closely for fires.

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…then when nothing happens, he tries his hand at cooking too.

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She was caught in the act!

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Our first haunting and a night of musical beds.

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She seems to have passed out, but in reality, she was frightened when one turned into a werewolf.

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Mercury:  No, you cannot come in.

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More guitar and painting.

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Mercury heads to bed and wishes he would wake up and get out of this horrible dream.

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